How To Find The Best Anxiety Relief Methods For You

Women sitting in a cafe reading a book which is the best anxiety relief method that works for her.

I don’t know anyone who enjoys worrying and being anxious. But I’ve coached many who want to overcome it. My clients seem surprised when I tell them it’s a mental habit that can be broken—with a plan and some determination. That is, a plan to find the best anxiety relief methods that work for them and the determination to practice those methods until it becomes their new habit to manage their anxiety.

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How To Stop From Feeling Overwhelmed By Parenting

Two young boys having a pillow fight leading their parents to wonder how to stop feeling overwhelmed.

When you sign up to become a parent, you know it’s not going to be all sunshine and roses. You might think you’re prepared, but after the third night of no sleep, you realize just how overwhelming this whole parenting thing is going to be—and that’s just the beginning. You might have gotten a clue talking with others who had kids, but until you experienced it first hand, you couldn’t fully grasp what they were talking about. Well, now you know. And I’m going to share with you a few ways on how to stop feeling overwhelmed by parenting, so keep reading.

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5 Anxiety Attack Coping Skills To Use At Work To Calm Down

The workplace is often fast-paced and filled with ever-increasing demands making it a prime place for stress to spike. And when it does, and you become stressed and anxious, merely telling yourself to stop being nervous is a bit like telling yourself to fall asleep when you have insomnia—it doesn’t work. So, what do you do? Well, I believe if you learn these five simple anxiety attack coping skills, you will be better prepared to calm your anxiety the next time you begin to feel the pressure of stress.

Whether it’s a tight deadline, dealing with office gossip and politics or unrealistic expectation by supervisors, etc., if you don’t manage your anxiety, it has the potential to affect your job performance negatively and even ruin your career.

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4 Powerful Tips For Calming A Panic Attack Quickly

Panic attacks. If you’ve ever had one, you’ll never forget it. They can be challenging to deal with. And the scary thing about them is they often come on out of nowhere. Knowing the techniques for calming a panic attack is your best line of defense when they start to rear their ugly head.

What’s the difference between feeling nervous versus a panic attack?

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Is Feeling Overwhelmed All The Time As A Parent Normal?

A Mother sitting next to her child looking off in the distance and wondering is feeling overwhelming as a parent all the time is normal.

So the question of the day is, “As a parent, is it normal that I feel overwhelmed all the time?” And the short answer is, “Yes!” People can feel overwhelmed all by themselves. But when they become responsible for other little human beings, that feeling will ramp up rather quickly.

“Being a parent is like folding a fitted sheet; no one really knows how.”

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To Calm Workplace Pressures, Try These 5 Good Coping Skills

Overwhelmed white business woman with her head in her hands in need of good coping skills to calm workplace pressure.

Each morning (or evening), as we head into the workplace, we are confronted by forces that can be considered opportunities or challenges. Opportunities can be exciting and yet stressful at the same time. And if not managed, they can turn into pressure-inducing challenges. These predicaments might present with different intensities and frequencies, but when the stressors pile up all at once, it can test a person’s resolve. So if you have some good coping skills when you have to face and overcome these trying times, it is a powerful thing. 

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How To Find Lasting Anxiety Relief For Adults

Adult woman with her head up and eyes closed wanting to find anxiety relief for adults.

It’s said there are only two certainties in life; death and taxes. But I propose one more certainty—anxiety. Because everyone experiences anxiety, with the most common age group being 30 to 44 year-olds. Do you fit into this category? Does anxiety have an overwhelming pull in your life? If so, keep reading to discover some simple steps you can take for lasting anxiety relief for adults. But first, let’s take a look to see if anxiety is always a bad thing.

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How Anxiety Relief Toys Can Help Your Whole Family

An individual is playing with a blue spinner which is an anxiety relief toy.

If I were to ask the average person how they relieve stress, I’m sure I would get many different answers. Because we are all unique, we handle stress in our own way—hopefully though in a healthy way. Something I might not hear is playing with anxiety relief toys. But, why not? They are a great stress reliever and can be fun for the whole family.

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Emotional Coping Skills Every Successful Executive Should Have

Woman sitting outside her place of work practicing an emotional coping skill of journaling in a notebook.

Most people tend to think of solution-focused coping strategies as the best way to manage stress. That is, address the problem and remove what seems to be causing them stress. Oh, if it could be that easy! But many times, it’s not as simple as that. Sometimes there are factors in our jobs, relationships, or lifestyles that present us with challenges out of our control. For those times, we need to practice emotional coping skills so we can alter our responses to specific stressors healthily and productively.

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Anxiety Relief Exercises To Help You Recenter On Your Most Stressful Days

Woman using the anxiety relief exercise of guided imagery by imagining she is standing in the shallow waters of a peaceful lake.

Life sure can be chaotic at times, can’t it? And with that comes stress. It shows up in the home, at the workplace, in personal relationships, or our health. In response, we just keep plodding along, surviving on pure adrenaline. But eventually, we burn out and become exhausted. That is if we don’t address it. Using these anxiety relief exercises below are some simple ways to tap into a more restful and relaxed state of mind helping us to be more resilient in our chaotic lives.

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