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Smiling family enjoying the benefits of calm parenting.

5 Steps To Calm Parenting Even When You’re Feeling Anything But Calm

By Kris Henderson

Calm parenting—is there such a thing? The short answer is yes, there is. But, it comes with some effort and the skill of managing yourself. Will there be mistakes along the way? The answer to that is also yes. 

Upset ethnic woman dealing with self-criticism and anxiety.

Six Steps To Challenge The Voice Of Self-Criticism That Feeds Anxiety

By Kris Henderson

If you were to wake up tomorrow morning knowing you had to face a big bully no matter where you went, how would you handle it? Would you anxiously worry and fret about what the bully would do or say to make you feel awful? Or would you decide to shut the bully down? Now,…

Father sitting with his son working through a family conflict.

5 Strategies For Working Through Family Conflicts With Less Stress

By Kris Henderson

As a rule, families are a wonderful thing. It usually means having someone who loves you unconditionally despite of your shortcomings—also, a place of comfort, refuge, and support. And yet, even in the most loving of families, there are bound to be conflicts. And when family conflicts remain unresolved, they can be a breeding ground…

Woman with poor coping skills looking at anxious sitting with two co-worker.

4 Ways Poor Coping Skills Can Aggravate Your Anxiety

By Kris Henderson

Anxiety affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally and can make it challenging to get through your workday. And if you are like most people, you look for fast relief when your anxiety level is high. But, unfortunately, much of the time, you could be turning to poor coping skills that you learned early on and…

Anxious looking woman wearing a red shirt in a crowd wanting the best way to calm her anxiety.

8 Best Ways To Calm Anxiety When You’re Out And About

By Kris Henderson

With the world returning to normal slowly but surely, getting back in touch with  society is proving to be anxiety-provoking for some. And especially so for those who were already socially anxious before the pandemic. If that is you, the idea of returning to society can feel pretty intimidating and downright frightening. So if you’ve…

Smiling mom, son and daughter laying together on bed.

How To Cope With Parenting Stress Before You Feel Overwhelmed

By Kris Henderson

It’s been said that being a parent is the most demanding and rewarding job you’ll ever have. And I can truthfully say for me, that turned out to be true. How about you? I know when I was in the thick of raising my little ones, there were days that the parenting stress had me…

Women in in front of computer looking over her shoulder dealing with return to work anxiety after Covid-19

5 Tips To Deal With Return To Work Anxiety After Covid-19

By Kris Henderson

Return to work anxiety is a real thing.  Fear is such a powerful emotion, and I think we can all agree it’s been in overdrive for the last year and a half. And now that we are starting to see the light at the end of this long dark pandemic tunnel, we are presented with…

Smiling co-workers looking at work frustration quotes on comuter.

24 Work Frustration Quotes That Will Help Put Things Into Perspective

By Kris Henderson

No matter your job title, place of employment, or even if you love your job, there are times when stress and frustration can suck the joy right out of your day. Yes, there are many things you can do to cope with stress, but today I’d like to share with you twenty-four work frustration quotes…

Smiling woman outside playing with her dog which is one of the stress and anxiety relief tips

9 Natural Stress And Anxiety Relief Tips That Really Work

By Kris Henderson

If you are like most people, you’ve probably succumbed (at least once) to an advertisement that was guaranteed to solve whatever issue you were dealing with at the time. And only for $19.99 to boot! Plus, if you ordered within the next ten minutes, you’d get two for the price of one—you know the spiel.…

Mom and daughter smiling together and moving forward after a bad parenting moment

How To Move Forward After Bad Parenting Moments

By Kris Henderson

Have you ever wondered how to move forward after bad parenting moments? Maybe you lost control and lashed out in anger at your child. Or out of frustration, you doled out a punishment that was too harsh. Or perhaps you neglected to meet a legitimate need your child was trying to express to you.  Not…

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