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individual holding a cheeseburger

Reasons So Many People Are Struggling With Anxiety And Food Challenges During Covid-19

By Kris Henderson

We are now entering the ninth month of dealing with Covid-19. Truthfully, I can’t think of one aspect of my life that hasn’t been affected in some way. How about you? One interesting thing I discovered over these nine months was that I have something in common with many of my friends. And that is,…

Why Am I Always Angry And Irritated? Learn 6 Steps To Gain Control

By Kris Henderson

It’s only 10:00 in the morning and you’ve already left a wake of hurt feelings trailing behind you. You woke up grumpy. You snapped at your kids. Your co-workers are tip-toeing past your office. Heck—even your dog knew to hide under the couch until you left the house. Everyone can have an off day like…

My Parents Are Overstepping Boundaries – Should I Tell Them?

By Kris Henderson

Looking at the menu, I was trying to choose between a hamburger or a dinner salad. However, I couldn’t help but overhear a fellow diner lamenting the fact (and quite loudly by the way), that her parents were driving her nuts. If what she was stating was in fact true, it was a clear example…


By Kris Henderson

I experienced my first panic attack 9 years ago. My heart raced, nothing felt real, I felt lightheaded and just felt off. Anxiety and panic disorders run in my family so I was fortunately to pretty quickly realize what I was suffering from. I was too embarrassed to get help, so for years I listened…

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